Here comes the rain again

Scattered among our routines of church for Nicky, shopping, laundry, and work for me when wanted (not much this week), there have been a few diversions. Luna (our lovely little car) had her annul pamper day up at the garage for her service and warrant, which turned into two days, and will need another two days of work this coming week to get the warrant of fitness certificate.

For the first time, I have been to two Deep and Meaningful meetings in one week this week, one of which I ran. This made Wednesday feel like a Friday. It was just a good job that we didn’t have a public holiday in the week also as that would have confused me even more! I have also had a CT scan to further investigate my mild BPPV.

The week started out wet but has finished dry, so much laundry has been done over the last couple of days. Nicky has stared doing garden designs. We are progressing with our usual weekend jigsaw, and Nicky also did a 500 piece Art Deco one during the week.

Yesterday morning Nicky collected Mary (whose arm is now out of its sling) so that she could go up to the Historical Society. Mary spent the rest of the day with us, Nicky dropping her back home while going to Stella’s for Scrabble with the usual suspects.

Nicky is at church this evening as I write this, for the induction of Shashi as Vicar, followed by a supper, for which she has made gorgeous caramelised red onion and feta tarts.

Another photo from the archives for your pleasure, of the Clay Cliffs in the Waitaki Valley:

Take care, Rick


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