Figgy Pudding

We have been battling with the weather to get washing dry this week. Even when it has not been raining and the sun has been out, the air has been cold and often still, some some things have dried better inside just because it is warmer. The nights have become chilly enough to warrant the winter quilt on the bed.

Nicky has had a sociable week, with her usual church attendances apart from Mainly Music which doesn’t run during the school holidays. She had a walk down to see Doris on Monday, but she wasn’t in, and also Mitra and Azar who live near where we used to live. Mitra is an architect and made some positive comments about our house design. After church on Wednesday Nicky picked up Mary and joined about 20 others down at Bricklane for lunch. Mary came back for a chat afterwards, and then a lady who had borrowed, via N, a sewing machine from Ros came over to return it and have a cup of tea.

Work has been quiet for me - one on-site job and one remote until this evening when I had to go and deal with a recalcitrant printer. On Thursday I went into town for Deep & Meaningful early to have afternoon tea with Maria and Kelly at James and Wendy’s. We had wanted to do something for Kelly who’s father died during the later stages of the Covid lockdown.

Due to the lack of quality telly viewing options, the weather, and the mention in something Nicky was reading about the Elephant Rocks in the Waitaki Valley being used as a film location for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, we have watched the three Narnia films on DVD. We enjoyed them all with not having seen them for some years.

Yesterday, while I started on this weekend’s jigsaw, Nicky made a fig, apricot and pear dessert inspired by a recipe book from the library and the fact that I had fig pie on Thursday at J&W’s. It tasted good, but was a lot of work and didn’t seem worth the effort. She Scrabbled at Stella’s in the afternoon, and then today has been back to prison. She had an email recently from the Chaplin at the prison to say that she could go in again, but this time she went with a different group, and it all seems to have gone OK.

On the house front we now have the redesigned foundations into council for consent, and have added the additional cost to the spreadsheet. Steve and Ros were down on Wanganui this week for a concert so took some photos for us. Due to the public nature of this blog there are some photos which I don’t want to publish, but as I know many of our readership are interested I am planning on starting a newsletter which I will email to those people specifically. If you want to be on the mailing list, leave a comment or drop me an email.

As compensation, here is one of the CBD from the archive:

Take care, Rick


Moira and Peter said…
Yes to newsletter please!
Rachel said…
I’d love the newsletter please Rick x

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