From bunnies to chocolate

On the whole, it has been a quiet week, but we are getting on OK with the lockdown. Nicky’s routine weekday task has been cleaning - first the windows and then moving onto the pantry. Mine has been scanning photos, and I’m making reasonable progress (I only had one remote support call to deal with this week).

However, other things have also kept us occupied. Nicky has been sent a “call sheet” from church of 10 people to phone every so often to see how they are getting on. An interesting finding from this is that the more senior people seem to be managing more easily than the younger folks. I can’t say as I find this surprising as I am liking the p&q.

We have binged watched a TV drama, Gold Digger, over two evenings, which was OK but a little unbelievable. I have been for a walk most mornings, and we have had a couple of ambles together. My Tuesday shopping trip was, in terms of time and number of people, much more like a “normal” trip. I don’t think the same will happen with my next one. The supermarkets being closed for just one day (Friday) over the Easter weekend seems to have sent many people into a frenzy. They can’t have already eaten all the stuff they over-bought before the lockdown surely?

Games of Rummy-o and Mah Jong have been played, and I also gave the Mah Jong tiles a gentle clean with some light alcohol, as they were looking in need.

Friday was quite special. Nicky enjoyed her first on-line (via Zoom) church service, and she had another one this morning. Prime TV screened 12 hours of commercial free travelling goodness in the form of Go Further South, a slow TV journey by ship from Bluff to Scott Base in the Antarctic. We left the TV on all day and just watched bits as we fancied. It was brilliant - stunning scenery and superb photography.

We managed to get through our last dozen hot cross buns on Friday and Saturday, and have done two jigsaws over the weekend - a 300 piece one of the Marauders Map yesterday morning, and then started a 1000 piece one late yesterday afternoon which we finished early afternoon today. Nicky also enjoyed watching some “live” ballet yesterday - Midsummer Night’s Dream. How you can do Shakespeare without words I have yet to figure out, but the internet is a wonderful thing.

The weather has on the whole still been lovely, just a little rain, but it is changing today. We have had our porridge on The Rattigan a couple of times, and as an Easter treat had scrambled eggs and bacon al fresco this morning. Much of our week has included popping out to enjoy a drink or bite or some reading in the sun. This might have been taken while getting ready for a tea-break:

Both of us seem to have niggling health issues, as we have had for awhile, but I think poor sleep has much to answer for, along with underlying sub-conscious stress. We don’t feel really unwell, just not quite up to par.

With the wether changing and the next few days forecast to be damp, we have started our Harry Potter marathon this evening, along with our Ocho Hot Cross Bun chocolate. One film down, nine to go (N wants to included the two Fantastic Beasts).

Take care, Rick


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