The legs are out again

Consider yourself lucky Dear Reader, as I tear myself away from the latest Kate Atkinson (Big Sky) in order to write this week’s blog entry, and hopefully post it in time to keep Mrs. Trellis happy. It’s a hard life being a “read-round-the-world” blogger!

We have been having some summer this week, and very welcome it has been. Auckland officially reached 27ºC on Tuesday, and the whole week has been fine, mainly sunny and warm, until today, when the rain arrived and the temperature dropped a little. This has resulted in much consuming of teas, coffee and lunches in The Barlow Recliners on The Rattigan, and wearing of shorts.

Nicky has had a busy week - two lots of Seniors Church and Holy Communion as usual. In addition, off to see Doris for her hair care, into town for a concert and lecture (both v. enjoyed) after Book Chat, sewing, laundry and ironing. Brioche was also rustled up yesterday for tea.

I have had a quiet week with work, most of which has been done at home with kit that I have collected from customers and was going to take many elapsed hours to deal with, but few hours of direct attention from me. This has given me time to respond to Bert the Builder’s latest email, which required our more detailed plans for the kitchen design, and to start working on our Home Start Grant application. With us having been in the government encouraged pension saving scheme called KiwiSaver since we arrived, they are willing to give us some money to help increase the housing stock of NZ by one more unit. Isn’t that nice of them? It will be if we get it.

I had an interesting evening at Deep and Meaningful this week. James Watson, one of the founders of the group, was showing the documentary film he has made as part of his PhD, called Ambisexuality. It was very thought provoking.

Nicky has been in prison today, and with the weather being poor I have been pottering at home. Stella and Ros came over for Scrabble, and the evening will be devoted to the tellybox - second episode of Great Kiwi Bake Off, alomg others.

Take care, Rick


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