Welcome daylight savings
This week has been more like winter than spring, with a strong southerly wind, and some heavy rain. Some welcome sun appeared towards the end of the week, along with the return of the shorts, and with having changed the clocks this weekend and had an extra hour of daylight in the early evening, there is a feeling of winter slowly receding into history. For now. I think Tuesday is going to be very wet! Along with Nicky’s M/W/F church routine, she has had another enjoyable trip to the cinema to see Downton Abbey again (with Stella and Ros), and a ukulele and sing along concert (in town). This was followed by having way too much fun in Smith & Caughey’s, and coming home with lots of free makeup samples. The beginning of the week involved more house design discussions, and the end of the week was focused on cooking for Saturday night. We had invited a number of my fellow Deep and Meaningful attendees for a winter dinner, and eventually 13 of us sat round the table (well, three...