Well hit me with a wet fish

One way or another it has been quite a week.

John, my nephew, arrived from the UK Monday lunchtime. I had managed to do some shopping and laundry as it was a crisp clear day (very good for arriving visitors), and Nicky went to Seniors Church and made savoury brioche rolls, all before lunchtime! Unfortunately, John’s visit coincided with me having as much work on this week as I did in the whole of July! As a result, it was just Nicky and John walking down to BHB beach in the afternoon, and Nicky cooked steak for dinner.

Tuesday was milder and damper. While I was having a busy day with work Nicky and John had a great day ay the zoo. Just as they were leaving (when the zoo was closing) the heavens opened and they got very wet. I was home in time to do lasagne and lemon delight for dinner to help them warm up.

I was busy again with work on Wednesday, Nicky was up at church in the morning, baking and ironing in the afternoon, and John had a good long walk round BHB and then went down to New Lynn to do some shopping. Nicky had life group in the evening after our supermarket rotisserie chickens (which I carved with a fork and a spoon!), while John and I put the world to rights.

John needed to catch a bus to Hamilton from the CBD at 12.30 on Thursday, and Nicky had a concert to go to in the library at 12 noon, so I drove them both into town as it was a very wet day. John caught his bus and Nicky had the most eventful Thursday she has had since last week (her words). After the very good concert, she stayed in the library and took in an exhibition about children who died in the holocaust. She then ate her lunch while listening to a group of ukulele players and singers. One of the singers was somebody who she knew, so they went off to the café for a cup of tea afterwards. We had fish and chips for dinner and then enjoyed watching the episode of Endeavour which I had recored last Sunday.

Friday was a little less busy. I had work in the morning and Nicky was at Seniors Church. We had lunch together then Nicky went to the WARC to do her 2 hours of volunteering, and I went to shop for a new hand whisk in Lynnmall. It’s tough at the top.

While all this was going on, we had a backdrop of activity with trying to buy a riparian-esc section in Wanganui. On Monday we received the Purchase Agreement from Agent Felicity. We had crossed wires with our lawyer so didn’t get it signed and returned until the end of the working day. On Tuesday it turned out we hadn’t done the signing correctly so had to do it all again. On Wednesday the vendors rejected our offer (it was below their asking price but within our budget). On Thursday Agent Felicity called us to say the vendors are reconsidering and might accept our offer.  Purchased Agreement edited and signed to reflect our offer price. Much happened in Wanganui on Friday apparently, and on Saturday we received another Purchase Agreement, slightly amended. This we have signed and will return tomorrow, if our lawyer say’s it’s still OK. We may be making progress, or just lots of stress related hormones. 

Yesterday, prior to going over to Stella’s for Scrabble, Nicky made some wonderfull 50/50 wholemeal bread rolls, which went very well with the lobs rotisserie chook for lunch. Early evening, just as she returned, I had a FaceTime chat with Jancis to help her with her technology. The weather was also good so I got both washing and ironing done.

Today has been largely fine but not very sunny, but I have managed to get all the towels washed and dried outside. Nicky was at church this morning and this afternoon we have enjoyed starting a finishing a 500 piece jigsaw. After soup and the last of Nicky’s lovely rolls for tea, we have spent the evening being tellyboxing vegetables. I think my turnip impression is legendary.

Take care, Rick

PS: I have posted earlier this week due to comments received from a Mrs. Trellis.


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