Getting over it

Recuperation has been a major theme this week, as I started to get over my cold and Nicky succumbed and then also started to improve. We are finishing the week on the mend but not quite back to normal.

On-site jobs during the first four days of the week have given my a busy working week, and Friday was just a couple of remote support tasks. A couple of trips to the supermarket have kept the wallet occupied, and in between we have been watching the weather and doing the laundry on the good days. I was in town all day Thursday, working and then at my discussion group.

Nicky has done quite a bit of reading about this week, but also went to holy communion on Wednesday morning and then to Titirangi with Doris, and was volunteering in Henderson on Thursday. She had her Corrections Induction (it’s an annual event) on Friday, and has made onion soup, beef casserole and brioche this week. I contributed chicken in bacon and smoked fish pie.

Steve popped over on Wednesday for some technical support, a hair cut up the road, and managed to squeeze a couple of games of Scrabble in too.

We have spent much time discussing our future home and focusing on the section which we saw in Whanganui. We would really like to have a new house so building looks like the best option, but we know it will involve compromises. What in life doesn’t?

Take care, Rick


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