Into the New Epoch

Nicky’s first week of retirement has flown by. We are already becoming accustomed to easy negotiation over who is producing dinner, Nicky has taken over the ironing of her clothes as many of them are way beyond my skill levels, and she has flattened a few of mine at the same time, while respecting my idiosyncratic hanger possession attitude. I’m still doing the food shopping but this may become more of a shared task in the future.

What has completely gone out of the window, for me at any rate, is any clear knowledge of what day of the week it is. With Nicky’s weekend having been Sunday/Monday for about 18 months, I am now all over the place. At least Saturday Scrabble has happened on Saturday to give me some reassurance, but there was an impromptu game on Monday when Steve popped round for a bit of technical support!

I have had a quieter week with work and have managed a morning walk every day except Wednesday when I had a swim. Our sunshine came to an abrupt end on Friday with some heavy rain, and this also stopped Nicky in her tracks for her main task of the week - cleaning the soffits and gutters. I have finished them today as there were some areas that she couldn’t reach. Needless to say, she has also been heavily working on reading about and ipadding (this is a new verb which I have invented and will continue to use for the foreseeable future - I think its better (and safer) than “playing on her iPad”). She has started using her new phone this week - major technological development for the household.

We have had some random visits from friends of Nicky’s, Doris and Kanchan, and she went up to church for the Ash Wednesday service. We really enjoyed our bacon and banana pancake stacks on Tuesday night. On my way home from work on Tuesday I stopped at Kennedy Park in Castor Bay and took this photo:

Take care, Rick


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