Mischief Managed

The major excitement of the week has been the Harry Potter Event at the library on Wednesday evening, though I think some Royals might have been and gone as well. Nicky had Tuesday off in lieu of last Monday, so after she finished reading The Washington Decree she set to in the kitchen, roasting a pumpkin, making pumpkin juice and pumpkin and peanut cookies, and getting ready to produce some 250 pumpkin pasties (some sweet, some savoury) on Wednesday morning before going into work for 11am. The event was “ticket only” and ran after the library had closed. Many of the staff were involved with lots of different activities organised for the children and their careers, lots of dressing up, and lots of happy participants. Great alternative to trick or treat on Halloween.

The rest of the week has been pretty tame by comparison. I have been a little busier with work than recently, and the changeable spring weather has meant rapid bursts of activity for the washing machine on the days when I could get stuff dried outside. It was good to finish the week off by going up to The Block for a drink.

Nicky went to Stella’s to play Scrabble after work yesterday, while I had a day pottering at home and walking round to Connaught Street for a house auction. It was new build which is on my regular walking route so I have seen it progress from day one. It was nicely appointed, with five bedrooms, four living areas and one and a half kitchens! The auctioneer started and stopped at $1.4M, as nobody wanted to bid and that price was below the reserve. I think part of the problem was the location - the house has no decent views and is very close to its neighbour on the sub-division, a property itself in need of a little TLC. I think something a little more modest might have been more saleable.

Thursday was very windy and the breeze has not completely left us yet, so it took the warm edge off the sun at Karekare this morning, but I still had an enjoyable walk and a bit of a dip (followed by a welcome flask of coffee). This evening we have binge watched the last five episodes of Humans series 3, most of which I recored while Nicky was in England. That’s my excuse for posting this so late. Now I’m off the bed.

Take care, Rick


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