There are currently 18,277 white crosses arranged in neat rows in the grass of the Auckland Domain in front of the War Memorial Museum, one for each of the New Zealand service personnel who died during the First World War. I saw them for the first time time today and was moved to tears even before the 100 year Armistice Service began. The Service was was both moving and appropriate. “I vow to thee my country” had me in tears again, though more because of the tune (Jupiter), than the lyrics. A speech by a Year 13 girl was memorable not only because of what she said, but also the quality of her delivery. She spoke of hands, and told us that her father had told her that we all have hands, and that they are all the same, but what is unique is what we choose to do with them. What those before us did with their hands is why we are here today, and what we do with our hands will shape those who come after us. I was very mindful of those in our family who have served, not only the older generations, but those who I think of as being part of my life today; Alison, Katharine and Ben. The gentle rain felt appropriate for the nature of the occasion, but prevented the flypasts (that were intended to bookend the service) from leaving Ardmore.

When the Service finished and the crowd dispersed, I started walking through domain and while passing the Winter Gardens decided to have a bit of a warm in the hot house. It wasn’t that hot, but there was nice dry bench which helped me rest my back and start to regain a sense of equanimity before walking into town for a little exercise.

The rest of the week has been much more routine. I have not had a great deal of work again, but have spent much time on the road, collecting and delivering equipment. Nicky has had another “normal” week as the library’s visitor numbers have recovered at last. She did some high performance training on Tuesday, but still doesn’t expect to make the national cycling team.

The weather has been warmer and we have some gorgeous sunny days for getting the washing dry. While Nicky was at work yesterday I had a busy time at home doing work admin and cooking. Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble and technical support.

Today after church Nicky went off to prison, and I had returned home and made my first pot of tea of the afternoon just in time for her return. As I said to her, it’s not staff, it’s magic! 

Take care, Rick.


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