It's over for another year.

The weather has turned decidedly nippy again towards the end of the week, as I particularly noticed yesterday morning while standing at the old Tram Shelter in MT Eden. I was there waiting for my last Heritage Festival walk to begin and was very pleased to be wearing two layers of icebreaker merino with my wind & rain proof jacket. The walk through the centre of Mt Eden was very interesting as we learned about the geology that formed the area, the settling and architecture of the area, and then how the buildings have been adapted and repurposed. We concluded at the Crystal Palace Theatre which is currently undergoing refurbishment and it is hoped will open again in the future.

For my final Festival event I drove over to Nathan Homestead in Manurewa to see a film called Pressing On, about printing enthusiasts in the USA who are keeping hot metal and wood block printing technologies alive. It was quite fascinating (especially as I have quite an interest in typography) and was accompanied by a small exhibition of hand printed work.

I arrived home at the same time as Nicky and Stella (who had collected N from work) and were shortly followed by Steve. Scrabble ensued. After church today Nicky went off to prison, and then on her return visited Tanya down road who she used to work with. In her absence I took advantage of the sunshine and moderate breeze to dry three loads of washing, and make a bread and butter pudding.

Work has been quiet again for both of us this week. Nicky had an evening up at church for what she thought was going to be a meeting with the Bishop but turned out to be prayers while the vicar and vestry met with the Bishop. While I was out at Deep and Meaningful Nicky made a red velvet cake for consumption the following day at work to celebrate the Royal Wedding. The cake went down very well (it was a good cake).

Other than my usual house husband duties I am enjoying reading The Washington Decree by Jussi Adler-Olsen, writer of the Department Q stories. This book is a stand alone novel focusing on the turmoil that could erupt in the USA with the implementation of a firearms ban. It isn’t entirely believable but it is a good read.

Take care, Rick


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