Another shilling for the meter.

The library has been quiet again this week with the borrowers still not having got back into their previous routines. The same thing happened after the refurbishment at Blockhouse Bay. It is surprising at times how easily routines can be changed. My working week has been quite busy with something on most days.

Our most exciting event was on Wednesday. I was preparing steak for dinner. Prior to going down to the station to collect Nicky, I par-boiled the spuds, cut up the carrots and broccoli, oiled and peppered the steaks, and sautéed the mushrooms and onions. The table was laid and I departed for New Lynn. When we returned the garage door wouldn’t open; we had a power cut. Having seen us return Dawn came round to say she had heard a big bang as the power went off and had been told that a power pole had come down. This we were not able to confirm but as it wasn’t yet quite dark so we got some candles going and persuaded Dawn to stay and have some cheese and crackers with us. The power was off for 2-3 hours and when it returned we felt we had already eaten enough so I put all the dinner ingredients into the fridge ready for Thursday night. The steak marinated for much longer than I had expected.

The wether has been cold and in-between the showers we have had some good clear spells, and Saturday was a gorgeous sunny spring day, so there was much laundry on the line.

Yesterday on her way to work Nicky took me to Green Bay High School so that I could drop-off some e-waste before walking home (lovely in the sun). I got the ironing done in the afternoon and Stella, Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble.

Today has been dull and windy. With Nicky being at church and then going off to prison, I got a couple of buses into town and alighted in Parnell for an urban walk. My route took me past the Bishops residence, through the rose gardens (not in bloom) and down to Judges Bay. Going up the hill I took the path that leads to the bridge over Tamaki Drive and headed towards the CBD. On the way I found a walkway by the port which has great views of the harbour on one side:

I ate my packed lunch in a bus shelter (to get out of the wind) on Quay Street and then had a coffee and almond croissant in the Anderson Lloyd café (it isn’t called that but the café is located in the entrance of the office). After a bus home and a quick trip across the road to see a customer, Nicky had returned and was brewing a pot of tea. Just what I needed.

Take care, Rick.


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