No Daisy Left Behind

For many years before he died, our landlord and neighbour Barrie had a strict “no daisies” policy. I think sometimes in the summer he would cut the grass 3 or 4 times a week in order to attempt to maintain the policy. This mantle was passed onto Nicky, and now in her temporary absence it’s down to me, but it’s hard when the weather doesn’t play ball and the mower is aquaplaning. Still, I had a go today but I’m sure the daisies were laughing at me and just ducking.

I have had a quiet week. All the Mac work I have done has been at home, either doing remote support or working on some old kit which I brought back with me last week. I did a modelling job yesterday morning, which was good. Last Sunday tea time I bit my tongue really badly and it’s only today that to has stopped hurting, so the beginning of the week was a tender time.

I have read Let Me Lie by Clare Mackintosh which was gripping - she certainly knows how to introduce twists into the tale. We have had a week of wet and dry spells, so when it has been dry I have been trying to utilise the opportunity to dry laundry outside, do the shopping, and one afternoon have a walk in Cornwall park where I saw the magnolia trees starting to flower and spring lambs starting to gambol.

Thursday evening was Deep & Meaningful with Maria hosting, and the “after party” discussion was also very good. Last night I went to Jan & John’s for dinner (they also invited Helen and Warwick) and we had a good evening, due to the quality of the food and the conversation.

Today dawned cold and clear, with a sunny day forecast, so the washing was out on the line early and I headed off to Karekare as I haven’t been for ages. There was some rain on the way there, but the sun came out for about 30 seconds while I was walking to the beach, then the rain returned. When I got to the beach the rain was hiding the sea and starting to get heavier, so I returned to the car and drank my flask of coffee English picnic style. Very reminiscent of holidays in Ambleside. This afternoon has been the ironing of the laundry that dried (the rain didn’t quite make it to BHB but the dark clouds did), and this evening will be infront of the telly.

Take care, Rick.


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