
It has been a week for staying warm and enjoying the football (World Cup for those of you not in the 2.5 billion world-wide who are following it).

We started Monday as usual with a late breakfast. I did some shopping, Nicky popped over to see Kanchan, and we made great progress with the jigsaw, eventually finishing it. We had our last Love Languages session in the evening.

My working week has been very quiet again, and Nicky’s has not been too busy because of the weather. Long periods of rain, morning fog and low single digit temperatures in the mornings have encouraged many to stay home. Some afternoons towards the end of the week have been lovely and sunny which has helped with the laundry for me.

We had dinner out at Musashi (a Japanese restaurant in New Lynn) on Wednesday with Nicky’s life group. The restaurant was a little chilly, but other than that we had a really good evening. The food was excellent, the service great and the staff were very good to deal with.

Nicky was up early on Saturday morning (tea was delivered by 5am) to attend a Matariki celebration at the Arataki Centre before going to work. This was very good, very well attended, and the promised light breakfast turned out to be very substantial and enjoyable (take note The Curzon!!!). She went from there straight to work while I took advantage of a dry day to get the bed changed, washing done and ironing completed. Stella and Steve came over for Scrabble late afternoon and enjoyed some banana bread baked oatmeal slices which I had made from a recipe in a dairy free cookbook which Nicky had brought home from the library.

Clouds over the Manukau from the Arataki Centre

Today started dry and grey, but has got wetter and wetter as it has progressed. Reading, playing cards and writing emails have been our major activities. Nicky was up very early again this morning so is planning an early night in bed. I shall watch some telly and possibly finish my book, The Glass Room by Ann Cleeves (a Vera Stanhope story).

Take care, Rick


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