
She’s off!. As I write Nicky has been in the air around half an hour. Next stop Los Angeles. It is almost 20 years since Nicky has travelled and I have been home alone. Last time was when Nicky and Claire departed for New Zealand in October 1998. The last time Nicky traversed the globe on her own was when when she returned to the UK after coming to NZ for her mother’s 90th with Felicity.

We have both been a little apprehensive all week with the prospect of the trip. My major concern is that I won’t be by her side to help if she has any problems with her travel plans, and I think the administration of the journey has been uppermost in Nicky’s mind. She has had a different week at work, as the library closed yesterday for two weeks for refurbishment. She has spent a great deal of time on the phone calling borrowers and encouraging them to call in and collect the books that they had requested before the library closed. Other than that, the library hasn’t been to busy this week.

I have has quite a good week with work again. On Tuesday Luna had her annual pamper day up at the garage. It was probably the last time as Peter, the owner, is selling up so that he can retire, so I will be on the hunt for a new garage for servicing and warrant next year. While Luna was getting her TLC I met up with a friend from Deep & Meaningful for lunch as she has been going through a difficult time. I then went to Milly’s and bought a new frying/sauté pan - very exciting. In the evening we watched Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri, which Nicky had brought home on DVD. It was very good. On Thursday we watched The Post, also very good, also on DVD, and were strongly reminded of All The President’s Men.

The sunshine and showers have made doing the laundry interesting, but the sun has been good when it’s been out, and there have been lots of rainbows. I saw this one on my way to a job in Freeman’s Bay:

Yesterday, while Nicky was working, I went to a local house auction (described by the auctioneer as the best house in Blockhouse Bay, which it possibly is - it’s fantastic). It sold for $2,302,000, which turned out to be less than those around me in the crowd expected. I also made a fruit pie as Jenny had invited us over for dinner and so that we could see Helen and Nicky who are visiting from Guernsey. It was good to see them and we had a very enjoyable evening.

After Nicky got back from church today it was finishing the packing and last minute admin before taking her to the airport this afternoon. I’m palling to watch some telly this evening.

Take care, Rick


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