All spun out

We started the week with a public holiday to celebrate the Queen’s official birthday, and stayed home because it was wet, though we did manage a short walk in a dry spell. Stella came over for Scrabble and we started watching Borgen, a Danish political drama which is not as good as West Wing but better than Madame Secretary and not as dastardly as House of Cards (US version).

Nicky had Tuesday off as annual leave. The weather was dryer and breezy so we got some washing done, and she made a lemon and elderflower cake for her long service (10 years) morning tea. This took place the following day and went well, with both staff from her currently library and other libraries where she has worked in attendance. She also got a nice letter and certificate (which is more than I get after 10 service from my employer!). The rest of Nicky’s working week has been busy and fairly routine. She attended a difficult meeting at church discussing same sex marriage. The Bishop and local clergy are not of one mind on this one.

I have had a fairly quiet week for work, and my domestic routine has been disturbed by the death of our washing machine. Nicky noticed water on the laundry floor when she came back from having her hair done on Thursday morning, then I noticed an RCD on the fuse box had been tripped. When the repair man arrived on Friday afternoon he found a leak in the case that encloses the drum which was dripping onto the electrics. He said the machine was not safe to use and not economic to repair. We bought it in England and think is 12-14 years old so don’t feel it owns us anything. Unfortunately when it died, it also damaged the electrical wall socket so that needs to be checked out too. As a result of this, I took some washing down to a laundrette in New Lynn on Friday morning and spent more on having a cup of coffee than getting the washing done. It was a lovely sunny day and I didn’t want to waste its drying ability.

The end of the week has been crisp and sunny until today (which has been grey), and the sun was welcome after the rain at the beginning of the week. While Nicky was at work yesterday I did a modelling job in Green Bay so was able to walk there and back. Having got the ironing done in the afternoon we were able to make an early start on Borgen and finished series 1. Nicky had church and prison today. I popped round to a neighbour to help with an iTunes issue, and then this afternoon walked along the path that goes through Oakley Creek and was built along with the Waterview Tunnel. I have only “done” the two ends before and wanted to find out how they joined together.

This evening we have watched The Last Jedi for some light relief (the plot wasn’t too complicated or unfamiliar for us).

Take care, Rick


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