
Nicky has had a very hectic week, for a number of different reasons. The library has been somewhere between very busy and manic, due to the school holidays, but she was only there for two days. She took some annual leave to attend this years Beyond NZ conference. This occupied Thursday evening, all day Friday, and Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon was quilting, followed by interesting baking of upside down apple and caramel cakes. Monday she spent a long time at the op shop buying some clothes (almost a complete new wardrobe by my standards but I appreciate that my standards are quite low). Thursday was a visit to Doris to get her hair done, mowing, and taking storm damaged flora down to the dump (they call them transit stations here, much moire elegant). She has also had a few nights of broken sleep which has been quite taxing. However, the additions to her wardrobe are good, and she enjoyed the conference.

My week has been much quieter with just one on-site job, though I spent most of Wednesday at home doing remote support. The usual domestic duties of shopping, cooking, laundry and ironing have also occupied me, and during coffee breaks I have been working on a 1000 piece jigsaw which I started last weekend and finally finished yesterday.

Our weather is changing but more slowly this week. Some rain, some showers, but also some good sunny periods too, and cooler but not cold as yet.

They weather didn’t look inviting for a trip to the beach this morning while Nicky was a church, but the sun came out later and we had a nice walk down to the beach and back along a little of the coast path before a late lunch. Stella, Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble and we all enjoyed Nicky’s baking. This evening will be with the tellybox as a couple of new series start now that the Commonwealth Games are over.

Take care, Rick


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