
It has been a very warm week. Most days have been hot and sunny with official temperatures in the 25-28°C range. It is still in the mid 20’s in the house when we go to bed, and one afternoon the roof space got to 46°. The only rain was a heavy shower this morning.

Nicky spent quite a bit of Monday in the kitchen, making shortbread and millionaire shortbread. We had a trip to the museum in the afternoon to see the New Zealand Geographic exhibition which was very good, and being a Monday wasn’t too crowded. 

Nicky has had a good week at work, especially when the performance of the air conditioning on the second floor was improved, as apparently at one point in the week it was almost 32°C. She was very tired on Tuesday evening after a session at the pop-up library making badges, the key ingredient of which was brute strength to operate the machine.

I have had no work this week so have been focused on my domestic duties. I spent most of Wednesday cooking 20 portions of meals to go in the freezer (I’m looking forward to the pork pie). I had some time on the beach at Ladies Bay on Thursday which was great, especially as the afternoon turned to evening (Nicky was on a late duty) and the sun mellowed but was still warm and the sea was lovely. Apparently the sea is warmer than normal on our west coast at the moment, and it feels it.

On Friday night we watched Moana and started watching Micheal Wood’s History of The British. After work yesterday Stella and Steve came over form Scrabble and later we watched a film called The Salesman, set in Iran, about two people in a production of Death of a Salesman. It was well done but not enjoyable.

Today was church for Nicky and Karekare for me, and then gardening and ironing before walking down to the cinema for a 6pm showing of Darkest Hour, which was very good. Gary Oldman is just brilliant. See it if you can.

Take care, Rick


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