Getting warmer

It’s like buses: we don’t get a public holiday for the whole of November, then they come along all together at the same time in December. 

Our weather has perked up this week, Thursday being absolutely gorgeous. It has been dry with various flavours of sunshine and warmth. It is the best we have had at this time in November since 2008. I remember it because that was the first time we had a holiday in NZ. We all took some time off work, had some day trips and a couple of nights in Katikati, and the weather was good. Each year since I have compared the weather at the same time of year and it has not been as good, until now.

We had a good day on Monday. After a good breakfast we went to Titirangi to take some art in to be framed: the print which Nicky had bought me the day before, a sketch I was given over a year ago from a group I sat for in Ponsonby, and a photograph of me that was given as a thank you by a student doing her Masters who I know through Deep & Meaningful. We had lunch on The Rattigan but it got very warm. I walked down the road to do a little work and Nicky did cleaning and scone baking. In the evening we watched more Agatha Raisin on DVD, and then saw a trailer for it to be shown on terrestrial TV here starting last night!

Nicky has had a busy and difficult week at work with some borrowers and staff upping the stress levels. She had a good evening at life group, but with working in Henderson on Saturday missed out on participating in the BHB Santa Parade on Saturday. It wasn’t the same without her.

My working week has been quiet with just a couple of jobs, but the laundry routine has continued with renewed vigour now that Dan the weather man is organising it properly. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading The Legacy by an Icelandic author, but had to stop every so often to do shopping and cooking etc.

Stella, Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble yesterday after Nicky got back from work. Some of the high-iron content fruit bread which I had made was eaten, but there was plenty left for tea today.

While Nicky was at church this morning I did the ironing, and as soon as she got back we walked down the road to watch a house auction. Very few people there, and again it didn’t sell. 

This afternoon we met up with Becky and Abe for a walk along Oakley Creek, but got distracted by a digger:

It was good to see them both, have a wander and a chat.

And finally, just in case you are interested, we now have an entry on the Loughborough University Alumni website. If you want to see how young we once looked, here you go:

Take care, Rick


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