Cue motivating music...

Unless you have been living in a cupboard this week, you are probably aware that we now have a Labour government, in coalition with NZ First, and with a confidence and supply agreement with the Greens. I don’t want to put the kibosh on this, but since Thursday announcement of Jacinda being in charge, the All Blacks were beaten by the Aussies, and it looks like we are due for some thunderstorms tomorrow. Hopefully, things can only get better! (there’s a slogan in there somewhere).

On the domestic front, Nicky went to the optician on Monday and needs new glasses not so much because she needs a new prescription, but because the coating on her current four year old pair has degraded and it affecting her vision. In the afternoon we had fun (not really) organising a new driving licence and bank card for her following the loss of her handbag. We thought her passport was in the handbag but I found it later in the week.

The rest of our week has been much more normal, with Nicky being busy at the library, me negotiating with the weather to get the washing dry, and also doing a modest amount of work. Nicky had an interesting Emergency Response meeting in town on Friday, followed by a very frustrating non-visit to Auckland Transport Lost Property. Thursday was a clear and cloud free day, so I went to Karekare for a walk and a swim as I haven’t been for ages, but the wind was chilling (it was warmer in the sea!) so I didn’t stay very long. I ended the day with another interesting D&M conversation.

Nicky went off to work on public transport yesterday as I needed the car for a job in Westmere. In the afternoon I made a baked ricotta pie for lunch today, and Steve brought Nicky home after they had Scrabbled at Stella’s. In the evening Nicky made cheesecakes (for Alpha or today if needed) and we watched the last of the current series of Endeavour.

Today Nicky was up early making beef casserole ready for our shared family lunch. Clem, Pat, Shani, Paul, Jenny, Naomi, Leo, Alex, Steve, Ros and Stella all joined us and brought the usual quality of goodies with them. As ever, we had loads left over but thoroughly enjoyed ourselves with the food and conversation.

After spending the late afternoon tidying up we have and an evening being of vegetables in front of the tellybox, and finishing off a nice bottle of wine with some lobs. Time for bed now.

Take care, Rick.


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