Not bad for August

It has been the first proper week of our new routine with Nicky’s work: Monday off and Tuesday to Saturday working. So on Monday Nicky had morning tea with Mary to discuss quilting, and cut the grass while we were having some good sunny periods. She feels that she has really fallen on her feet with her new post in Henderson. Her manager, Penny, is very good, and the staff are great to work with, so the atmosphere is much more upbeat and positive. The travel arrangements are also going OK too, though she was late one morning because of a couple of trains being cancelled. She worked her first late night on Thursday and got home without a problem or my assistance as I was out at D&M.

I have had another week with quite a bit of work, and even though we have had some very wet periods it hasn’t impacted too much on my laundry routine until the end of the week.

Yesterday Nicky was on one of Auckland Libraries stands at the annual Family History Expo in Mt Roskill. I dropped her of at 8.15am and collected her again a 4pm, having had a busy and rewarding day. I spent most of my day working, both on-site and back at home. We ended the day with an excellent evening out in Orewa. Kelly had invited us and a couple of other Deep & Meaningful stalwarts for pre-loading nibbles at her place and then on to a restaurant (Casablanca) for dinner. We had great Turkish-style food and very good conversation.

Today after church Nicky went off to prison, and I caught the bus over to Sandringham to return the Mac I had brought home yesterday. I walked home (it was only just over 6km’s) initially in warm sunshine but ended with cooling cloud cover which was quite a relief. Stella and Steve came over for Scrabble, and as I write this it is going dark and the rain (accompanied by thunder) is starting to fall. We are having spicy fruit muffins for tea and probably tellybox for the evening.

Finally, we are very excited about the Hanlon news. For those not in-the-know, Nicky’s niece Alison, her husband and six children, are coming to Wellington for 12 months at the end of the year. I suspect a major family party or two are on the horizon.

Take care, Rick


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