More rain.

The weather has really changed this week, from hot and sticky (almost tropical), to a definite suggestion of autumn on the way. Which of course it is. However, the sun is still warm when we get it, which we did on Monday after a foggy start. In the middle of the week we had another major storm system which brought flooding and land slips, but we have been lucky again and have not been directly affected.

I have been busy all week, even though I haven’t worked every day. Nicky has had a mixed week with some good days and some not so good. We have watched a couple of good films on DVD - Jack Reacher (which we had seen before) and Golden Years about oldies doing bank robberies - great cast and good fun. Nicky had an evening out at Alpha, and I had a couple out with Deep & Meaningful and drinkies up at The Block.

Yesterday was our first really cool start to the day for this year. However, with the sky being clear the sun was warm so we had post-breakfast tea and coffee on The Rattigan. I had agreed to help Nicky in the garden removing the last vestiges of a couple of swan tress that she had took down. One was really quite a struggle, and it reminded me why I don’t like gardening, and then my back started reminding me why it doesn’t like gardening. I was in pain for the rest of the the day but it has started to ease today. Once we had got everything cut we put it in the car and Nicky took it off to the Patiki Road transfer station.

Stella, Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble in the afternoon, and we had a brief visit from Jancis before tea. The evening was dedicated to the tellybox.

Today hasn’t been as sunny and it has got cool this afternoon, but I had a very good walk and swim (sea relatively warm) at Karekare while Nicky was at church. Jancis and Doris came home with her for morning tea. After lunch and more lawn mowing (will it ever stop growing?!) we popped over to Titirangi Road for mah jongg with Jancis. Nicky is hoovering as I write this, and tea will be consumed shortly followed by more tellybox - Broadchurch tonight.

Take care, Rick


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