Water, water, everywhere

Hopefully, some of it we can drink! 

We returned from holiday last weekend to the last downpour and after effects of a major “rain bomb” which had been over Auckland for 3 or 4 days. There has been significant flooding in many areas, and in New Lynn (just down the road from us) a very bad flood left a large sink hole which is in a location that means the building next to it has been evacuated (all commercial) and may have to come down.

The other after effect of the rain has been on the water treatments plants. Their intake volume has gone up 12 fold and is heavily laden with silt. This means that without major water conservation, “grey water” would have to be introduced into the supply which we would then have to boil. So, toilets are not been flushed, showers are being shortened, and dishwasher and washing machines are being used more judiciously. Some days, as a city, we hit the savings target and other days we don’t. So far we have not had to boil water, but it will be at least the end of the month before the water treatment plans are back to normal operation.

Apart from the water situation, it has been a normal “back to work after the holidays” for us. I had a long list of customers to contact on my return so ended up having a busy week. Nicky as been busy at the library but had Monday and Tuesday afternoon’s off as TOIL. Claire was also with us. She flew up on Saturday before us for a tutorial for the distance learning course she has started with Victoria University, and then was working in the Auckland office Mon & Tues. We picked her up in town on Tuesday afternoon and took her to the airport. It was good to have her stay again, and this time we got really nice pastries from the café she has to walk through to get to the office.

The weather has been good all week with some lovely sunshine. Nicky had an evening out at prison prayer group and I went up to Orewa for a Deep and Meaningful discussion. Yesterday we had our usual late breakfast then went to Danske Mobler to discuss our furniture repairs. Nicky had quilting in the afternoon while I went to work. The quilting group, now starting it’s third year, is going so well that some members have asked for the once a month sessions to be longer. I think it’s a real testament to all the effort that Nicky and Mary have put into the group that has made it such an appreciated event. We finished the day by watching all of the episodes of the Heathrow documentary that we had recored and thoroughly enjoyed them.

Today has been warm and hot and sunny. Nicky went to church and I went to Karekare, which was perfect - the sun was warm but not too hot, there was no wind and the calm sea hit low tide at 9.44. I had a lovely walk and swim. This afternoon we were both feeling quite jaded (we have had a few broken night’s sleep) so had a snooze for awhile before going to the Quilt Show in Kelston. We voted for our favourites, Nicky had chats with ladies she hadn’t seen for awhile and bought some great fabrics, and we got some free food as the café closed so that was tea sorted. Nicky is mowing the lawn as I write this (probably with a head torch as the nights are already starting to draw in) and we will settle down for Broadchurch in a little while.

Take care, Rick


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