Is that a sausage I see before me?

We have had our first of two consecutive four-day weeks this week, with Monday being Auckland Anniversary Day. We decided to avoid the crowds in town after last year so went out west after an excellent breakfast on the Rattigan. We couldn’t get parked at the Fairy Falls car parks again, so went onto Log Race Road and did the Mercer Bay Loop walk. Excellent views (pictures below) but most of the second half was up hill, so we had a quiet afternoon of reading and snoozing when we got home.


Whatipu in the distance

Mercer Bay

There has been much discussion and some meetings at work for Nicky regarding the upcoming changes. This has alleviated some concerns and improved understanding to a degree, but there is still considerable uncertainty. With the schools now starting their new academic year things haven’t been quite so manic, but still very busy.

I have a good week for work with something on everyday, along with the usual laundry, shopping and cooking.

We have had dinner on the Rattigan most nights, and on Wednesday hosted Nicky’s life group “season-opening” BBQ. There were only nine of us in total so we set up the table on the Rattigan for four, and the one inside for five, and had a bit of musical chairs and some good conversations. Jancis and I particularly enjoyed the Pinot Noir that I had been given by a customer at Christmas, and Nicky and I have enjoyed finishing the “orange curd cheesecake with chocolate Christmas pudding base” which I had made for the occasion.

While we were doing the Mercer walk on Monday, I suggested to Nicky that we should get her some proper walking footwear as everything she has is second hand and doesn’t fit correctly. While in the CBD on Friday I bought myself a new water-proof jacket, so on Saturday morning after a leisurely breakfast we headed off to Shoe Clinic in Ponsonby so that Nicky could have her feet properly assessed. She was very pleased with how thorough the assistant was and quite surprised at how very comfortable his recommended choice was. Allied with the fact that she liked the colours, the deal was done.

In the afternoon Steve collected Nicky for Scrabble at Stella’s, while I stayed home and did the ironing. Apparently, in 35% of Kiwi households the men do the majority of the ironing these days. We had corn on the cob for tea followed by the tellybox.

Like yesterday, today has been a lovely sunny summers day (Dunedin made it to 31°C). Nicky went off to church and I went of to Karekare, and then we have had a quiet afternoon. Nicky mowed the grass when it started to cool down a little, and I made a spelt loaf for tea which was very good, especially with some Harvati cheese. We will be back to the tellybox this evening.

Take care, Rick


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