Proper facts

Our biggest news this week, notwithstanding any alternative facts, is the reorganisation being planned at Nicky’s work. A major re-structuring of nearly all jobs, their functions and hours is beginning. The direct consequence is that all staff will be applying for jobs similar to the ones they already do, but an inevitable result will be fewer people and lower pay. As you can imagine this is causing great concern for all involved as it is not at all clear how it is going to pan out on an individual basis.

On a brighter note, Nicky won two tickets to the premier of Pork Pie, a remake of a classic Kiwi film, Good Bye Pork Pie. This was on Thursday evening at The Civic while I was at D&M at Galbraith’s, so Marilyn who she works with went along too and they had a great evening. Apparently the film is good too. The rest of Nicky’s work week has continued to be very busy, but the school’s open again next week so that will make a difference.

I have had a moderate amount of work on, and gained a couple of new customers (am I supposed to call them clients these days!?!). The weather has been reasonably helpful with the washing, and I had a good swim at Herne Bay on Friday morning.

We have watched series 1 of Shetland on DVD and thoroughly enjoyed it. Nicky has now started bring the audio books on which it is based home for me to put on her iPad.

Our three day weekend (it’s Auckland Anniversary tomorrow) has been the best period of summer weather we have had so far; 26°, clear blue skies, but with a southerly breeze. Even so, there were times yesterday afternoon where it was too hot to sit in the sunshine for long. We had a slightly odd day yesterday as while sitting up in bed having our first pot of tea of the day I received a text requesting some urgent help with email. So, I headed into town for the morning. In the afternoon Nicky went on a shopping trip to buy flowers for Valda (it was her 70th last week) and I did the ironing.

Today has been gorgeous and more usual - church for Nicky and Karekare for me. I had two swims and some time relaxing in the sun on the side of a sand dune and it felt properly like summer at last. Stella and Kate called in after lunch and we had a good afternoon and played a couple of games of Cludeo - a new experience for them.

And finally, the parallel D&M sessions which I have been running are at Galbraith’s Ale House (v. good beer), which is next to the Symonds Street water tank, which has been repainted:

I think it looks quite good. Take care, Rick.


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