Another Anniversary

It is eight years ago today that we moved into our current abode. Eight years ago it was a Thursday, and we had some rain, but Claire and I managed, and I remember one of the removal men being very interested in our German bed and he kindly helped my re-assemble it.

Work has been busy for both of us this week. In addition to the usual at the library, they were without water for two hours when a chap working with a stump grinder in the courtyard broke a draining pipe. Diwali celebrations have also started and they had a very good morning tea on Thursday. Nicky wasn’t feeling too good on Thursday, and was quite wobbly on Friday morning at a PSA meeting over in Henderson, so I made her take the afternoon off to rest. We had both had a poor night’s sleep and it seems to have quite an impact on us these days.

I have had work in some shape or form everyday, and on Thursday had my packed lunch on the beach at Okahu Bay, which was a treat. The weather has been reasonable and even on the cloudy days it has been warm and the washing has dried quickly. I got everything done in four loads on Wednesday.

Our evening social events have just been hair for N and D&M for me.

The weather has been gorgeously sunny over the weekend, though the breeze was cool yesterday, and in the shade it is still a bit nippy. As it is a long weekend with Labour Day on Monday, we celebrated by having pancake stacks for breakfast yesterday. We took our post-brekkie tea and coffee on The Rattigan being the sophisticates that we are. Mid morning Nicky headed up to the library for a very well attended Diwali event, and I helped Steve set up a TradeMe ad. We pottered around in the afternoon organising Christmas gifts, and in the evening watched Eddie the Eagle on DVD. We learnt a great deal about how he had become an Olympic ski-jumper and thoroughly enjoyed the film.

Today after church Mary came back with Nicky to discuss dress-things (for her daughter’s wedding). I made us some tuna salads to take into town as we had our last (delayed) Heritage Festival event - Grafton Bridge - The greatest in the World, with the brilliant Mr Edward Bennett. At the time of its’ building (1908-1910) it was the biggest single span bridge in the world. As ever, a really interesting walk-and-talk. We had managed a bit of our lunch before the event and finished it afterwards in the same park on Symonds Street in lovely sunshine. We then had a quick trip over to Dizengoff (ostensively just for a cup of tea but couldn’t resist a couple of individual cakes, though found the icing very sweet).

I am writing this early while Nicky mows the grass as we have much telly to watch this evening, most notably the very LAST Lewis. We really hope they continue the theme with a new series, Hathaway, which could then be followed by Maddox. We are also looking forward to the next couple Endeavour series when they make it to our airwaves.

Take care, Rick


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