Here comes the rain again...

It’s been Nicky’s second week “on loan” to Avondale and New Lynn libraries as the refurbishments continue at Blockhouse Bay. She has been busy and again enjoyed the different atmospheres in the library’s.

I have had a busy week with Mac work of some shape or form on each day. My laundry routine has started to change to doing small loads each day to dry inside as the weather has got wetter, though I did get a second load dry outside on Wednesday (and one yesterday).

Socially it has been a quiet week with Nicky just out a couple of evenings. The weather has been the big change as we have had some colder days to go along with the increased precipitation. This has persuaded us to change to the winter quilt and get the heaters out. I can hear the bearings on the electricity meter taking the strain already (which is odd seen as it is digital!).

Yesterday started wet, but the sky cleared mid morning and by the afternoon we had blue sky and hot sunshine. Nicky popped up to see Dr V for her three month check up and prescription renewal. We had a late breakfast when she got back, then I started baking and Nicky started cleaning. We had invited Paul (who I go for drinks with up at The Block) and his family over for tea and cakes. I made a kumera and banana loaf and mince pies. Both turned out very well, though the fact that I had forgotten that Paul is dairy-intolerant was a bit of a mistake. I wanted to do some mince pies to try out my own mincemeat recipe, which has no sugar other that present in the dried fruit and alcohol. We found the commercial mincemeat which I have used in the past just too sweet last Christmas, so I decided to have a go at my own version, and it has turned out well. We had a good afternoon with Paul & co and then a quiet evening watching a French film called Tomboy.

Today has been increasingly wet, so while Nicky was at church I did the ironing. On her return she got organised for Scrabble and headed off to Stella’s. Steve won both games. I spent the afternoon reading and this evening’s excitement will be another MasterMind heat.

Take care, Rick


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