The holidays are over

Back to normal at last - posting on a Sunday evening again.

We really enjoyed our weekend in Mt Maunganui with Bruce and Wendy, but it was back to work properly this week. Nicky has been very busy again at the library. I had a long and fruitful day with a new customer on Tuesday, and then a couple of other jobs later in the week. I’ve been getting back into the laundry-ironing-shopping-cooking routine too.

Nicky had a good evening at life group, and I have been out at Deep & Meaningful in Orewa and drinkies up at The Block, so our social lives are getting back to normal too.

The weather has been pretty good all week. We are now getting cooler mornings and coolish evenings as we move into autumn, but still often having very warm periods in the middle of the day. It was 28° in the lounge yesterday even with all the doors and windows open. We had poached egg and avocado on toast on the Rattigan for breakfast to start the day. Late morning we were both interviewed by a PhD student doing research into public perceptions of data security in the medical services. We then went to have a look at a open home (new build) at the end of the road. This was very interesting having seen it being built over the last few months. We liked the design and thought the standard of finish was very good. It will probably sell for more than $1M. Later in the afternoon Steve and Stella came over for Scrabble and a good catch up.

Today started out cloudier than expected, but I had a good walk and dip in the sea out at Karekare and Nicky went to church. This afternoon we took Jancis to the Sky Tower Orbital restaurant for high tea to celebrate her birthday as we had been away on the actual date. We really enjoyed the food and the views (again), it was another great experience. The evening has been devoted to the tellybox.

Take care,



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