Same old, same old...flag

The big news this week has been the preliminary results of the flag referendum: no change. 57% of those who voted wanted to retain the existing flag, and 65% of the electorate voted, which is the highest response for any postal ballot in NZ. I can’t say that I am surprised, but I am disappointed. I think it is indicative of how insecure New Zealand is as a nation in it’s own right in the 21st century, but it could also be that more than 43% of people wanted to change the flag, but not to the alternative on offer.

The weather continues in largely summer mode at the moment. We had a very dark and stormy night on Wednesday and some heavy rain on Thursday, but El Nino is keeping it warmer than usual. We are still having plenty of good sunshine, though at times it is either quite windy or quite humid.

Nicky has been very busy at work again. On Monday she had a few minutes to enjoy the art exhibition at the International School (which used to be the Hilltop School) before going off to a PSA meeting in Henderson.

I have only had one small paid job, but have spent quite a deal of time at home trying to resolve an issue for a school. The usual shopping, cooking and laundry has also been keeping me busy, and I have got some reading in too. I have spent some time with Jancis helping with her technology, and had a Deep and Meaningful meet up on Thursday.

The long weekend has so far been very good. Early on Friday morning we headed off to the airport to collect Bruce and Wendy who had an 11 hour stop-over in Auckland.  We brought them back here for breakfast and then had a gentle walk round the reserve as it was very humid. Lunch was at Galbraiths in Mt Eden which we enjoyed. B&W had a siesta for a couple of hours in the afternoon while I relaxed in the sun and Nicky went to Powley for an Easter vigil which she found very good. We had B&W back at the airport for 5pm and had a final cup of tea with them before they went though security. It was really good to have a long chat and low-key day with them.

We were quite tired yesterday, so had a leisurely breakfast in the sun on the Rattigan, did two loads of washing, and generally pottered about. Nicky got some sewing done and Dawn came over to afternoon tea and hot cross buns. We had pancakes for dinner and mugs of tea on the Rattigan before settling down to tellyboxing in the evening.

Nicky was back early from church this morning (so I didn’t quite get the ironing finished) with Jancis, Helen, Warwick and Jan for tea, coffee and bunnies. We had a good chat for an hour or so. Jancis stayed and Nicky put together some salads for our picnic lunch on Mt. Hobson, this years destination for our Easter volcano. It was quite a gentle walk which was good, though windy when we got to the top, so we headed back down to a bench in the sun and the lea of the wind and had our lunch. We discovered that Janics had not been to the Chocolate Boutique or Parnell, so headed there after coming down the volcano. We had a good gentle wander up and down Parnell Road (I’ve never seen it so quiet) and Jancis bough us drinks at the ‘boutique .

We had a pot of tea and three handed games of mah jongg at home before Jancis departed and we settled down to more hot cross bunnies and tellyboxing. Our schedule isn’t quite as packed tonight as series are coming to an end. We have throughly enjoyed our Easter weekend.

Take care, Rick


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