Meeting Abe

It has been a quiet week, especially for me on the work and social fronts. I had a long visit to a school on Thursday, but other than that no paid work. Nicky has been as busy as ever at the library, and has also been occupied in the evenings with prison prayer group, church AGM, and to have her hair done. We also had a trip over to Botany for Nicky’s annual hearing check.

The weather has started to become more variable in an autumnal sort of way, but still mild even for March. Highs in the mid-20’s most of the time which look set continue into next week. It got to 29ยบ in the lounge on Wednesday with all the windows open, and before I put the oven on (excellent planning on my part, but I believed the weather forecast). We have had some lovely sunny days, and some rain and wind towards the end of the week, which has lead me to be a bit more aware of its variability for getting the washing dry.

The flag referendum continues to be a regular topic of conversation as the postal voting period comes to an end next week. The turnout appears to be good, but I don’t expect us to change.

The weekend has been quite busy. We started off with an excellent breakfast of tomatoes and sausages on toast yesterday, prior to doing Nicky’s easter card deliveries in the sunshine. BHB Quilters met in the afternoon and I finished reading The Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino which we both feel is an excellent read. We had some bruschetta for tea when Nicky got back from quilting and then went to the cinema to see The Lady in the Van and enjoyed it as much as we thought we would.

Today started damp but brightened up quickly and it has been fine most of the day. Nicky was in prison this morning, so I did the ironing. Steve and Stella came came over for Scrabble early afternoon, and I wandered down the road for watch a house auction. It was the new build we went to have look at the other weekend. It didn’t sell, apparently for the second time. There were no bids at all and I think the reserve would have been around the $1.2M mark. The auctioneer opened at $960,000 and was followed with complete silence. The market may be slowing down a little at last.

Becky, Dave and Abraham also came over this afternoon - it’s the first time we have seen Abe - so more tea and hot cross bunnies (yum). They were all looking well.

Tonight will be more tellyboxing - one of our series comes to an end tonight (Unforgotten), and another next week (Black Work). I don’t know when The Night Manager finishes.

Take care, Rick


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