Down to The Mount

Apologies for posting a day late, but we have been away for a long weekend visiting Bruce and Wendy in Mt Maunganui. Nicky took Friday and Monday off so that we could have two full days with them. 

The drive down was warm as the weather was sunny. We had our picnic lunch by a roundabout and railway intersection, and then a few minutes further down the road found another picnic area - always the way. We stopped at the Sweet Painted Lady café in Waharoa for tea, coffee and pecan pie. Nicky also had hand made ice cream from a stall across the road which was very good. We got to Bruce and Wendy’s about 4 in the afternoon. They also had other friends, Robin and Kate, staying with them. After a dip in the sea, where the strong surf ripped the side seams of my togs, we had an excellent BBQ’ed pork dinner.

View from the balcony
Saturday dawned bright an sunny so we had a leisurely breakfast on the balcony. Nicky swam in the pool at the complex and did her pilates in the gym, while I walked for a bit over an hour down the beach to the naturist area. I had a good dip in the sea before walking back and joining everyone else for a cold lunch on the balcony. The activity for the afternoon was walking round the mount, then Nicky and I collected Andrew and met the others at a very popular fish and chip shop right by the sea. It was very busy but we really enjoyed the fish and chips. Afterwards Nicky, Andrew and I had a walk along “the front” before taking Andrew back home and having a tour of his residence and garden.

The harbour

Path round the mount

Linley Dodd "Hairy McClairy" sculpture on the front

Sunday was another lovely day, which started off with a bacon egg breakfast. Nicky went off to church with Andrew and the rest of us just lounged in the pools and the hot tub. Andrew couldn’t be persuaded to stay for lunch after their return. Nicky and I cleared away lunch while Bruce and Wendy took Robin and Kate to the airport. On their return we headed back down to the beach which was followed by another long leisurely dinner on the balcony.

Today started cloudy, but Nicky and I still managed a swim before breakfast, more bacon and eggs, this time cooked on the BBQ and eaten by the pool. Just as we cleared up and came in the rain started. We went for a walk along the beach when it appeared to ease off, but then it came down more heavily and we got quite wet. After drying and changing we walked down to a local café for a late lunch, joined by Wendy’s mum who had returned during the morning. We looked at B&W’s son Curran’s wedding photos before saying our goodbye’s and departing late in the afternoon from what has been a lovely relaxing weekend.

The rest of our week had been in getting back to work mode. Nicky was pretty busy in the library and the weather has been warm and sunny. I have a few Mac jobs, done laundry and ironing, and managed a couple of swims at Herne Bay.

On Wednesday evening Nicky went into town with Shani to see The Phantom of the Opera at the Civic theatre - a treat provided by Shani. Thursday evening was Deep and Meaningful for me, and church for Nicky.

I should be back into my normal posting schedule this coming weekend.

Take care, Rick


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