New Year, New Weather

The transition from 2015 to 2016 was marked not only by changing the digit and watching the fireworks, but also a dramatic change in the weather.

The week had started out with clear skies and much sunshine. We had a leisurely breakfast of scrambled eggs on toast on Monday, before Nicky washed the windows and I did the ironing. After lunch we went off to see Ruth, but she was sleeping (which apparently she does most of the time now) so Nicky just left gifts and we departed. We decided to go to St Lukes to see the Star Wars film. It was just like the original, or the fourth one, depending on where you started from.

Nicky was back at work on Tuesday for three days, and the library was as busy as expected, especially with the holiday activities for the younger ones. I have spent the time doing laundry, shopping, cooking, unsuccessfully looking for my chessmen in the garage, and having couple of swims. Thursday was quite warm - we reached the forecast 27°C. We had dinner on the Rattigan for the first time on Wednesday, as the wind dropped and and even though there was no direct sun, it was still very warm and pleasant.

We decided we would go into town to see the New Year in with the Sky Tower fireworks display. Jancis came with us to the Nelson Street walkway, and with quite a few other people we had a great view and enjoyed them. As the year turned it was 21°C. 

New Years Day started windy and with heavy skies, and the rain settled in during the morning. We started the year off with croissants stuffed with scrambled egg and bacon - very sustaining. Nicky did some sewing and I did some cooking and Stella came over for Scrabble. We slept in very late on Saturday morning (still recovering from the new year jolly) and really enjoyed our brunch of tomatoes on toast with bacon. Nicky did some more sewing before we went over to Stella’s for Scrabble with Steve and Ros. I made mince pies on our return (one big one, two smaller ones, no individuals) and we had the evening in front of the tellybox.

We had more rain overnight and a sticky warm start today, but it started to clear and the sunshine has been very warm this afternoon. I received a weather station from Santa, so can tell you the humidity was 80% this morning. Loads of folks came back from church with Nicky for tea, coffee, and Valda’s birthday cake. Jancis stayed for lunch and mah jong, and then we went over to her place for dinner. Very good chilli and conversation.

Another public holiday tomorrow.

Take care, Rick


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