WE WON - the Rugby World Cup of course

I was up an hour later today than last Sunday morning, but Nicky had been up for awhile. I think she was over exited at the prospect of the match, but she denies this! Anyway, we made our way up to The Block again, only to discover that all the tables were reserved. It hadn’t occurred to us that because it was The Final that we would have to book a seat. They offered us a couple of bar stool’s but we decided we would be more comfortable at home, which we were with a pot of tea and toast. It was terrific game, and of course the best team won, so it all turned out well in the end.

After the match Nicky went off to church and I did the ironing. On her return Nicky finished off her breakfast porridge and then went over to Stella’s for Scrabble. I got a bit more shut-eye and then when Nicky returned with Luna went to Karekare for a walk. I was very pleased that I took a jumper with me, but enjoyed the walk and lots of paddles.

The weather was better yesterday, starting with blue skies which we had through most of the day. Domestic laundry chores were done, poached eggs on toast were consumed, and Nicky went up to church to do some cleaning. I filled the car up with petrol and did a bit of shopping. Our afternoon was filled with a birthday BBQ celebration for the 22 year old son of one of Block “drinking partners”. We had a great afternoon meeting Jason’s friends, and catching up with the family members who we already knew. BBQ’d cheese, tomato and onion sandwiches were a new and enjoyable experience. The carrot cake that we took was also greatly enjoyed. Our Saturday was completed with an evening with the tellybox.

We started the week with the first public holiday of the season - Labour Day. We had a lovely sunny day so were quite domestic with laundry and cleaning, but included a walk down to Olympic Park and round to the new cinema complex at the mall. This is due to open, along with seven new eateries and a mini-golf course, later this month.

Nicky has been busy again at work, and I have had some work each day this week, though a couple of times they were only small jobs. Nicky took Friday afternoon off work, primarily to go and see Ruth on her 99th birthday, but it was also convenient for a visit to the dentist as she lost a filling on Wednesday evening. Her Friday evening was also quite eventful as a friend of hers from church called as she was in great pain, so Nicky went to help her and took her to a White Cross clinic (eventually) to get some medical assistance. This all turned out OK in the end.

So, into November. Jancis will be back with us in four weeks, and Christmas will be here not long afterwards. I’m really looking forward to Easter, but that’s mainly because of the hot cross buns.

Take care, Rick


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