Open Studios Weekend

While Nicky has had a busy week at work and Diwali has come to an end, I have had another quiet week. I have done a couple of short on-site jobs, and spent the best part of a couple of days dealing with issues by email, but the rest of the week has been domestic duties. We have only had a couple of evening commitments; Nicky having her hair done and me going up to The Block for a drink.

I started Monday waking with a considerable amount of back pain, but it improved throughout the week until yesterday. Then this morning it got very painful very quickly, so I have spent all day resting it which has resulted in some improvement.

The highlight of the week was yesterday as we toured the Open Studios of Waitakere. This is a weekend which happens every year where artists open up their studios for the public to visit, see their work and talk to the artists. We got to see two glass makers, a potter and three painters. We liked all of the work we saw and could have spent thousands, and it was really good to talk to the artists. The most memorable was Dean Buchanan, whose personality is as large and colourful as his paintings. I was particularly taken with an 8’x4’ (approx) painting of Lake Turner, but even if we could have afforded it, we don’t have anywhere to hang it that would do it justice. The weather was also gorgeous, a not too hot summers day, and we encountered areas of the Waitakere’s that we haven’t been to before while driving through some lovely country-side. We picnicked on the grass at Karekare at lunchtime, and were pleased to get home for a pot of tea.

Nicky didn’t go into prison today as she couldn’t find her driving licence (it was located this evening) so went to church instead. Mary Manton called in mid-afternoon and stayed for a chat and then Steve collected Nicky on the way to Stella’s for Scrabble.

Summer seems to be starting to get it’s act together as the temperatures and noticeably starting to rise, which is really nice.

Take care, Rick


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