Is that summer round the corner?

The weather is starting to improve, and for the first time this weekend felt like summer. Nicky’s week has been busy at work, and she was out two evenings this week with prison prayer group and life group. My week has been quite quiet with no work at all (only the second time this calendar year) but I have read a couple of good books, had a bell ringing tutorial and a good evening on Thursday at my MeetUp group.

Wednesday was quite exciting, as the victorious All Blacks returned, and there was a celebration parade and event in Victoria Park. I decided to go into town to join the crowd which was estimated at 25,000. I got a pretty good view and managed to shake hands with Steve Hansen, the coach. Nicky also happened to be in town on a first aid refresher course, and they were allowed to pop down to the Park during their lunch break to get a glimpse of the AB’s.

Yesterday dawned with lovely clear skies. After a late breakfast Nicky did some hoovering while I read on the Rattigan. The wind dropped and it was very pleasant, even quite hot early afternoon. Stella and Steve came over for Scrabble and achieved a game total of over 650, which they were very pleased about. Nicky and I then went to St Luke’s cinema to see Bridge of Spies, which was very good.

We will probably be changing allegiance soon as by the end of this month the new Reading’s cinema’s should open in Lynnmall. The Brickworks with seven new eateries (one of which is Wagamama’s) opened this week as part of the development. They have made a nice job of it, so we will have a cinema within walking distance (about 30 minutes) and could take in some grub too. I noticed that we won’t be troubled by any visiting American Presidents as in the open eating area they have built a grassy knoll (for ankle biters to play on).

Today started out with more cloud than yesterday, but that cleared and it has been another lovely day, though slightly cooler. I went off to Karekare for a walk and my first “swim” of the season. Nicky went off to church and then to a quilting exhibition at St Jude’s in Avondale which she enjoyed. This afternoon has been pottering in the kitchen (N made cheese scones and I soup to go with them) and the cutting of the grass. The evening will be with the telleybox, starting with The Muppets - yehhhh!!!

Take care, Rick


Martin said…
Bit late with a comment, but seeing these pictures chimed nicely with your recent quote about Jonah Lomu two posts later. Such a sad loss. I spent the best part of an evening watching clips of his performances on Youtube, and it was hugely entertaining. Big chaps, those All Blacks... Hope your summer comes back!

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