A sad week

Our week has been dominated by sad news. Following on from the terror attacks in Paris, there has been the death of Jonah Lomu here, and in England Nicky’s friend Jane Rhapson has been taken by cancer. The mood has been lightened by some of the media coverage of Jonah’s life. The comment which has stayed with me has been attributed to a coach talking to his team: “Rugby is a team game so all 14 of you pass the ball to Jonah.”

The rest of our week has been decidedly ordinary in comparison. Things have been steady at the library, which makes a change from being manic. My back has improved each day and though still not right, it is so much better than a week ago. I have also had some work. We have had a few evenings out with Nicky at prison prayer group and life group, and me at my Deep & Meaningful MeetUp group. The summer however seems to have buggered off and been replaced by cold wind and rain quite often this week.

We had an enjoyable late breakfast on Saturday morning. Nicky was at BHB quilters in the afternoon and I started reading the latest Robert Galbraith book, Career of Evil. Stella and Steve came over for Scrabble just as Nicky returned from quilting. They just had the one game as we were due at the New Lynn RSA for dinner with Nikcy’s prison prayer group for their Christmas social. Dinner at the RSA is a canteen-style affair, with good value no-frills food. We had good company and an enjoyable time.

I decided not to go the the Red Bull Trolly GP in the domain today because of my back. I can still only tolerate standing for short periods of time and I didn’t want to compromise my recovery. Nicky cut the grass when she got back from church and then we went off to the cinema to see the latest James Bond film, which we enjoyed. The evening has been communing with the tellybox and Nicky has made a mountain of muffins for events coming up this week.

Take care, Rick


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