It wasn’t fun, but…

3.15am - the alarm goes off. Nicky has already been up for a few minutes. It’s cold and dark, and we are off to The Block to watch The Match. We take our seats and as the game starts we are drinking tea and munching on bacon and egg savoury muffins. It wasn’t fun to watch, and at times was more like sumo wrestling than rugby, but the All Blacks won in the end and are in next weekend’s final. Big sigh of relief. It was about quarter past six when we got home (sky just beginning to lighten) and we went back to bed for a bit for some more zed’s.

Nicky has been back at work this week, and the repaired washing machine was returned on Monday, so it has been a more normal type of week. Nicky isn’t right yet and still has a cough, but is walking to work via the beach to get some exercise into her routine. The weather has been reasonably good (Friday afternoon was summer like with sun shine and a northerly breeze) so that has helped with the washing backlog. I have had little work again but have a couple of things booked for next week.

On Tuesday evening I went into town to go and see the St Mathew in the City bell ringers in action, as a precursor to being trained up as a ringer myself. Nicky was at life group on Wednesday evening, and I was back into town again on Thursday evening for my MeetUp.

I spent Friday making chicken and bacon pies, ready for yesterday’s family lunch at Paul and Jenny’s. First thing Saturday morning Nicky started making a hummingbird cake, which turned out very well. We wandered over to Cockle Bay and had a very pleasant time chatting with everybody. There weren’t quite as many of us there as at some family gatherings so it was easier to get to talk to more people.

Nicky and I left about half past four, armed with directions to EziBuy at Sylvia Park so that Nicky could show me the white deck pants that she had found on their website and wanted to get me for Christmas. Unfortunately, they don’t have any of the men’s range in the shop, so we were out of luck. We headed across to the main shopping mall, and a couple of hours later left with a whole selection of lovely clothes which Nicky has bought me for Christmas and I wasn’t expecting. It was really nice to try things on in sensible sizes and actually like the way I look (I am hovering around 85Kg at the moment which is really good for me). We got home in time for major tellyboxing, with pots of tea and fruit bread.

Stella and Steve came over for Scrabble as Nicky got back from church this morning, and then we have just had a quiet day with having had such a stressful night. We will do some more tellyboxing this evening before having an early night.

Take care, Rick


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