Wildlife Encounter

My biggest excitement this week was seeing a seal this morning while I was walking at Karekare beach. I started to approach it to take a photo (with caution as they are known to have a vicious bite) and it took a flap or two towards me before deciding that returning to the sea was a more attractive option. It's the first time I have seen a seal "in the wild" and to have the experience on a beach which I visit regularly was a real treat.

The rest of my week has been less wild. Work was quiet until Thursday and Friday; two long on-site jobs ended the working week on a positive note. The changeable weather has made getting the washing dry a little taxing. We had very heavy rain during Wednesday night which woke both of us, and we spent half an hour or so soaking water out of the ranch slider runners with towels. I think we had a pot of tea before settling down again.

Nicky is still suffering with a bug, but slowly improving through the week but not back to full health as yet. She decided not to go to prison prayer group on Monday evening because of not feeling well enough, and not because of eating too much roast pork and crackling for dinner! We had a relaxing evening watching Endeavour. Nicky brought Gone Girl home on DVD which we were glued to on Tuesday night.

Yesterday (Saturday) morning started out damp but the sky cleared as the washing was pegged on the line. We went to Westies café in New Lynn for breakfast with a voucher. We both ordered the full breakfast which turned out to be a very generous and enjoyable meal, but we both felt the sausage could have been better. We then popped into town to take some of Nicky's shoes to Gemmel's on Symond's Street for repair. They have a very good reputation.

We spent much of the afternoon reading on the sofa and enjoying the sunshine. Late in the afternoon Stella, Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble. Afterwards, Steve and Ros went up into the Bay to get take-aways which they ate with us before going off to their folk club. Meanwhile, we went up to church for a 1950's themed quiz evening which was very enjoyable. We managed to come second due to having a theology dean on our team which gave us an edge on the "Very Hard Biblical Questions" round, and compensated for our very poor showing in the music round. Apparently none of us were quite old enough…

Today hasn't been quite as nice but we have had some sun. Nicky went to church and went out to Karekare (as mentioned above). Again we have had a quiet afternoon and provided a rendezvous point for Shani and Sean just before tea time. Nicky is making progress with the ironing while watching TV and taking breaks for reading and tea and crumpets.


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