Post #450 - Spring like

It has started to become spring-like this week, until the weekend. Even though it has still been quite cool and wet at times, the sunshine has had on optimistic edge to it.

I have had a reasonable week with work, though not commitments every day so I have also been able to keep on top of my domestic duties. Shani joined us for dinner again on Wednesday before going to her rehearsal, and I had Thursday evening out at my MeetUp group.

Nicky has had a busy, and at times very difficult week at work, some of which was caused by borrowers shouting at her. As a result her sleep has been disrupted. Her life group meeting on Wednesday and church prayer meeting on Thursday were both good.

We have enjoyed watching “The Village” on DVD this week. It is set “somewhere up north” at the time of the first war - a bit like Downton Abbey, but with grit. The story is well told and many of the location shots are in the Edale valley which I really enjoyed.

We had a very quiet day yesterday as we were both tired. Nicky went to see our GP for her regular 3-month prescriptions (he is very pleased with her) first thing. We had boiled eggs and toast for breakfast when she came back and then she and Steve went over to Stella’s for Scrabble. I made lemon curd, and Nicky did the ironing and made pumpkin soup in the afternoon. Our tellybox viewing in the evening was the Jancis Barlow Show and Johnathan Creek - what a combination.

Today started grey and wet, and didn’t really improve. We went into town early (7.25am) as Nicky was helping at StoryLines today. She was escorting two of the writers, but the highlight was getting to talk to one of her colleagues from New Lynn library. After coming home from my taxi duties, I had my breakfast and then went off to the museum and for a walk along Tamaki Drive. Nicky got the bus home and we have had a quiet evening which Nicky started by having a significant portion of apricot jam on her crumpets. We have just watched a local true story drama and will shortly be back infront the the tellybox for Lewis.

Here is a picture I took this morning near the yacht club during one of the dry-ish periods.

Take care, Rick


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