Messing about on trains and buses, but not in boats.

This week, weekdays particularly, has been a week of bits. We have had sun for awhile, showers, dry cloudy bits, bouts of ironing and shopping, and I have done some work every day, but they have all been small or short jobs. Nicky has had some steady days at the library, and some very busy. She was out at prison prayer group on Monday, and had her hair done by Doris on Tuesday evening. I was up to Orewa for a MeetUp discussion on Thursday evening, and Shani joined us for dinner again on Wednesday. In-between all this I have read The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins, which was very good.

Yesterday we had a fun day. It started greyer then we had expected but began to improve as we munched our way through bacon and poached eggs on toast. At the beginning of July the new electric trains started running on our section of the railway system, so we decided to walk down to the station and take the train to Newmarket. We were very impressed. The new rolling stock is smooth and quiet and very nicely put together. Our destination in Newmarket was a store which opened awhile ago parallel importing IKEA goods. They had a reasonable selection on display, but said they could supply anything that was available at IKEA stores in Australia. The shop happens to be next door to a branch of Freedom, a local NZ furniture and household shop, which Nicky had not been into. While browsing I found some lovely yellow fabric place mats, so we bought 10 and a table runner. We had a wander round the main shopping area in Newmarket, ostensively looking for new PJ’s for Nicky, so how we came across a pair of jeans at $479 which I quite fancied I don’t know.

We were getting a little jaded so stopped to eat the lunch of fresh fruit, dried fruit and nuts which Nicky had put together for us. This was followed by hot drinks and honey and walnut fruit cake in a cafĂ©. Restored, we got a bus to the Britomart having decided that if we got a bus home we wouldn’t have very far to walk. Our walk up Queen Street to “our” bus stop was punctuated by further “in-store investigations”, but we eventually got a 258 home and had fresh mugs of hot tea in our hands by 4.30pm. Toasted Fruit bread and more tea was followed by Silent Witness on the tellybox.

Today has been sunny with a cool breeze. While Nicky attended church I walked at Karekare. Steve and Stella came over early afternoon for Scrabble, and Nicky mowed the lawn after they left.

There is a possibility that spring is in the air. 

Take care, Rick


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