Wintery blast

Vengeance has been the keyword for this week. Firstly the weather giving us a blast of winter with a vengeance at the beginning of the week (after two days I was already looking forward to next summer!). Secondly, as the rain passed and we got to see some sun again on Wednesday, myself (any many others it transpired) hit the laundry routine with a vengeance - much washing was hung.

The upside of the cold wet weather on Monday and Tuesday was that the library was more like normal, instead of the manic it has been with the school holidays. Nicky was out at prison prayer group on Monday evening, and tried to go to a Te Reo class on Tuesday but thinks she got the timing wrong as nobody else was there.

I have had quite a good week with work, got the laundry done by being assertive with the washing machine, and had a couple of evenings out. Tuesday was my first Chamber of Commerce event; a gathering of new members. Not my sort of thing at all - I’m not good with a room full of 100+ complete strangers. Wednesday was much better at an Auckland Conversations evening with a lecture from Charles Montgomery from Vancouver about how to make cities happy places to live.

Yesterday morning was on the whole wet. Nicky went and had a ‘flu injection, and then we both raided Countdown for various comestibles. Nicky started making jelly in readiness for today, and then after lunch went off to BHB Quilters (they had double figures again). Not long after she left the sun came out and we had a lovely afternoon, so I went out for a walk. Nicky came home via a visit to Jancis, and we enjoyed watching British Geniuses on DVD in the evening (a documentary series about British scientists and inventors).

Today has been lovely and sunny, and the sun is still hot. Nicky went off to prison, and I did some very calm laundry. While it was drying I got some things together out of the garage to go into the inorganic collection. Nicky had invited the family round for chocolate cake, jelly and ice cream this afternoon to celebrate Steve’s 65th birthday. Along with Steve and Ros we were joined by Jenny, Margaret (Jenny’s sister), Stella and Katie. Jenny brought homemade feijoa ice cream and Stella brought vanilla and salted caramel from Koho Road, so with the fabulous cake that Nicky had made and the fruit juice jelly, we had and excellent spread.

We had a good chat, and then when everyone had left Nicky cut the grass and I took the inorganic collection stuff out to the berm ready for tomorrow. This evening will be tellyboxing as usual I suspect, though the programme selection is changing now. Still, we start off with Thunderbirds, which I have not completely warmed to but it only started last week so I have to give it time.

Take care, Rick


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