ANZAC 100th Anniversary
The run-up to ANZAC day has been a busy week for us. The library, as ever, has been keeping Nicky fully occupied, and I have had a good week with Mac work too. Nice weather has helped with the laundry, though not with the ironing (with doing it indoors). On Tuesday evening we met Stella and Katie at the Trusts Stadium in Henderson to see a Nigel Latta (a local TV psychologist) presentation on helping teenage drivers. It was informative and entertaining, and Nigel was just as good in the flesh as he is on telly. On Wednesday early evening I went to a Chamber of Commerce “business after 5” event at Davis Funerals, where we got to see round the operation and discover what happens behind the scenes. It was very interesting. Just after I got home Nicky went off to pickup Jancis and go to house group. I was also out again on Thursday evening with another MeetUp session. A long a busy work-day for me on Friday meant fish and chips for dinner again (the same thing happened the previou...