Green & Blacks

New Zealand are 39 for 3 in the World Cup Cricket final as I start to write this week. Actually sitting and watching a cricket match is a first for me, and I am starting to realise why, but cricket fever has griped Aotearoa since the Black Caps reached the semi-final so we thought we would take a look.

It has been Green Living week at BHB library, and Nicky has done the organising of events so it has been a busy week for her. All the presentations and activities have gone well so all her hard work in the run-up has been worthwhile. Wednesday evening she was at house group, and towards the end of the week enjoyed sleeping better. The cooling weather has also helped with this.

I have had a good week with work in terms of getting things completed and a reasonable number of hours worked. I had a nice swim at Herne Bay on Thursday lunchtime on my way back from a job on the North Shore and had a good evening in town on Wednesday for my MeetUp group.

I was up very early (4am) on Tuesday morning to take Jancis to the airport; she was off to Oz for a week. I didn't need to get up until 5am but I was awake and couldn't get back to sleep so had a early cuppa. It was dark and very wet all the way to the airport, and we have had showers quite often making laundry drying a bit more hit and miss.

On Tuesday evening we went down to the ANZ Bank in New Lynn for workshop about buying a house at auction, which was informative and entertaining, and like the estate planning one we went to, the nibbles were excellent. On Friday afternoon Pat came over to see me for a Google Drive and Google Sites tutorial, which was interesting as I don't use either service though they are similar to other's which I do use.

Yesterday morning I worked on rebuilding a Mac for one of my customers while Nicky pottered round the house and did some of her church Easter card deliveries. Stella came over for Scrabble in the afternoon and I did the ironing.

Today started with heavy rain but it had stopped by the time Nicky went off to church. The sun soon came out and by the time Nicky brought a gaggle of folks home with her for morning tea it was very warm. This weekend has also been Neighbourly weekend so Nicky has knocked on lots of doors and invited quite a few people over for afternoon tea and scones, but we only had one taker - Mary from across the road.

Its now 74 for 3 and Nicky is just doing us some corn on the cob for tea, so I will close for now and wish you all an excellent beginning to April when it arrives this week.

Take care, Rick.


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