Summertime, and the concrete isn't easy

I now feel that summer has arrived. It has been a warm week, with temperatures between 25 and 27°C in the shade, and probably 10° higher in the sun. In fact, at times, it has been hot. Even the concrete on the drive has become too hot to walk on in bare feet, which is unusual with it being very pale.

Nicky has been as busy as ever in the library, but my customers still seem to be on holiday. I had a long visit to one on Friday but other than that just a couple of issues delt with via email. This has given me time for my domestic responsibilities and helping Jancis, and getting over the excitement of us both winning on the Bonus Bonds again this month ($20 each AGAIN!).

On Thursday I went to Sulphur Beach Road to get an alternative view of the CBD. Since our very early days here I had noticed cars parked between the motorway and seashore just before the bridge when heading south, and finally got round to investigating how to get there. It was quite an interesting view, but not as good as I was expecting. I then drove up to Pohutukawa Bay for a swim and some time on the beach. Nicky had an afterwork dental appointment with the hygienist, and we finished the day by meeting Netta and Becky at the New Lynn Twilight food market. It was great to catch up with Netta again and we enjoyed the food and atmosphere as always.

I have been enjoying a “normal” state of health this week until the small hours of Saturday morning, when I could feel my head was not quite right and I was on the verge of vertigo again. I haven’t got to the point of being dizzy, but have felt close to it regularly over the weekend. Nicky drove me to the CourierPost depot yesterday morning to collect a parcel (our photo-book of our trip to Dunedin) and after dropping me back home went over to Henderson for Scrabble with Steve and Stella. I spent the rest of the day reading and watching TV, and Nicky cut the grass when she got back, just as in time before the rain arrived.

Today has been another glorious sunny and hot day, and most of the time I have been feeling better than yesterday. I did the ironing while Nicky was at church, and a number of folks (Jancis, Helen, Warwick, Mary, Dennis and another Warwick) all came back for morning tea, which was as fun and lively as ever. Jancis stayed an had lunch with us, followed by Mah Jongg which we think we haven’t played since we last played with Jancis about a year ago.

Nicky is in the garden as I write this, but food followed by TV is approaching quickly.

Take care, Rick.


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