Looking good for 175

It has been a very warm and sunny week, we had an official high of 29°C yesterday. It was 27° in our lounge, so it was very nice to sit both in the shade and the breeze and still feel warm. Outside in the sun, it was decidedly hot.

People seem to be waking up after Christmas now (some of the schools start back next week), and I have had a couple of Mac jobs. Laundry, shopping and cooking have all been done at a relatively gentle pace due to the weather and my health. I have not been 100% again this week the the vertigo. I haven’t had any dizzy spells but I have long periods of not feeling at all right, which is quite confidence-sapping. Just before bed on Friday night I suddenly started to feel really bad so took one of my prescribed anti-nausea tablets, had a poor night’s sleep, and took another half yesterday morning. As a result, we have had a quiet couple of days at home, as opposed to going into town as planned to enjoy some of Auckland’s 175th Anniversary celebrations.

Nicky has been as busy as ever at the library, and there has been much discussion about the Auckland 10 year plan which opened for feedback on Friday. One of its proposals is to reduce library opening hours. Stella and Steve came over for Scrabble yesterday morning, and one of Stella’s first comments was “what do we think about the light-rail proposal?” This lead us to a good hour or so of interesting discussion before Scrabble commenced.

During the week we have been watching The Hobbit pt 2 extended DVD edition loaned to us by Ros, and have enjoyed the many appendices as much, if not more, than the actual film. We briefly discuss going to see pt 3 at the cinema but it’s quite expensive so we will probably pass on that.

I was feeling a bit brighter yesterday evening so we went for a walk around the reserve. As soon as we got down the drive I noticed that we had new signs on the telegraph poles - bigger text, upper and lowercase, white on green - which look great and sturdy, so I should be able to find my way home much more easily now that I will know where I am!

Take care,


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