A wobble of unicyclists

It has actually started to feel a bit like summer this week, in that it was warm enough to wear shorts in the weekend evenings. But it won’t last, as rain is forecast for everyday in the coming week.

Our first week back in harness after our week’s holiday in the Deep South has been good. I spent Monday morning getting up to speed with the work requests which had come in while we were away, and have had a few visits to make during the week. I have also done quite a bit of shopping after running stocks down for while we were away, and also eventually managed to get all the ironing done.

Nicky has been as busy as ever at the library, and on Wednesday was part of a team that went into an old people’s home. I think they sang some carols. Hopefully, they collected some overdue fines while they were there too. She also collected her new glasses this week, which look very nice and apparently help her to see even better than she did before. I’m back on my best behaviour again.

We have had a few social commitments this week also. We went over to Glen Eden for the prison group Christmas social on Monday evening. I had been pre-recruited to do the BBQing as Merv the husband of the host was not very confident. He has just bought a big new gas-fired BBQ (about three times the size of ours), so I had great fun, and it was a good evening all round.

Janics returned to our shores on Tuesday so we popped over to Pat’s to see her in the evening and say welcome back. We have been watching and enjoying DVD’s which Nicky has brought home from work, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Saving Mr Banks, and series 2 of The Bletchley Circle. I was also out for drinkies at The Block on Friday night.

On Friday morning I took a naturist new to Auckland up to Pohutukawa Bay to introduce him to one of Auckland’s beaches, and had a very pleasant swim and stroll along the sand.

We have both been research subjects this week. One of the organisers of the MeetUp group that I go to is writing a book on the experience of couples where the woman is older than the man by 7 years or more. She interviewed me on Friday (4 hours) and Nicky on Saturday (3 hours). She normally allows about an hour for the interviews, but we both had a lot to say, partially because the last 30 years have been quite busy.

Nicky participated in the Santa Parade again on Saturday morning, as did a group of unicyclists, which is why I got to thinking about what would be a collective noun for them. Apparently a “wobble” is popular in the unicycling community, but there seems to be no official collective noun. Be suggestive if you would like to dear reader.

The weather has been good again today, so I went out to Karekare for a swim (the sea is much warmer now) and a walk while Nicky was at church. When I got back she was using Dawn’s high pressure hose to clean the concreate round the back of the house, and after lunch I did the Ratigan while Nicky tackled some weeds (they lost, for now). Nicky went over to Stella’s for a game of Scrabble and is making hummingbird cakes while I write this.

This week has also marked the end and beginning of era’s. I decided some time ago that when our subscription to the “TV Guide” magazine expired this year that I would not renew, as I had discovered what and interesting magazine “The Listener” is, and we don’t need two lots of listings each week. So, I’m sorry TVG (which was known as The French Train by Claire and I). You have had a good run, but we are on to pastures new now.

That’s all for now,
Take care,



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