Held to ransom with bananas

Where do we begin this week? She came, she ate, she showered, she shopped, put things in the wrong place in the dishwasher, and left. Such are the memories of a visit from our daughter.

Anderson Lloyd, the legal firm that Claire works for, opened an office in Auckland some time ago and this week Claire came to up to explain to them, as the Mice would say, “the way things are”. She came and stayed with us for Tuesday and Wednesday night, which saved her employers a whole heap of money. I met Claire and her stunning pink suitcase at the airport on Tuesday and she went off to work after collecting her hire car. We had dinner (roasted vegetables on Yorkshire pudding with rosemary potatoes followed by chocolate cheesecake accompanied with a very good Mercury Bay Sauvignon Blank) and the evening together on Tuesday so we were able to have a good long chat. Claire went out for dinner with friends on Wednesday evening after finishing everything she need to do in the office. This meant she had Thursday free to do shopping and Nicky took time off so that we could all go to the airport. It was really goods to see Claire as this was the first time since they moved to Dunedin in January.

The weather has been very unsettled this week which has impacted on my laundry routines. I have had some Mac work, mainly at the beginning of the week, and my cold started to improve by the end of the week. On Thursday after seeing Claire off at the airport, we drove into town so that I could go to my meetup group. Instead of driving home Nicky had dinner in the café which she enjoyed, especially as she had a good book with her.

Nicky has not been having such a good week. The news from England about her friend Jane had disrupted her sleep, and then yesterday she starting suffering from my lurgy and generally feeling unwell, so much so that she didn’t go to BHB quilters yesterday or do her prison visit today. So, after a visit to the opticians yesterday morning, we had a quiet day at home while the rain poured down outside. 

She didn’t feel well enough to go to church this morning but fancied some fresh air so came to Whatipu with me as the sun was shinning though the breeze was Skegness-like. By the time we left the beach car park it was quarter to one and we were both quite hungry so we stopped at the Huia Foodsore to see what they offered. I knew this was a café with a good reputation and I have been wanting to try it for awhile. We chose smoked chicken with bacon and salmon with feta flans from the cabinet with a shared side of fries and a pot of tea. While buying a range of cards Nicky also paid for us to have ice creams later. All was very welcome and very good - the chips and the dip were fantastic and completely unnecessary. Nicky was very pleased with a range of Christmas gifts which she was able to purchase. We both enjoyed our trip out and felt better for it.

As I write this, Gill and Dave are in Sydney, having a two night stop over on their way from England to Queenstown. They are just “doing” the south island on this visit and we won’t actually get to see them, but I guess we will have a chat at some point.

That’s it for this week,

Take care, Rick


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