Ferry across the Waitemata

It has been a week at home for me this week, as I haven’t had any work come in. The weather has been pretty good most of the week which has helped with the laundry and to a lesser degree the shopping. I have finished scanning all there slides which I brought back from the UK and have started putting them into a photo book. I had a swim at Herne Bay first thing Thursday morning which was lovely. It’s the first time I have been back there since lacerating my feet earlier in the year.

The library has been continuing with Diwali celebrations this week, and Nicky has been looking good again in a range of saris. She took some Indian food in on Monday for morning tea. The library has been as busy as ever, and Nicky has been very busy with the preparations for Harry Potter day on the 31st. On Friday she came home mid afternoon after pulling a muscle in her back. It made her feel quite nauseous and unwell. It wasn’t helped by the fact she has had some broken nights with being woken up with sciatic pain. Fortunately, my massage ministrations were able to relive her a little, as does soaking in a warm bath.

We had a brilliant day yesterday, Saturday. It was clear and sunny with only the odd cloud on distant horizons. We packed up a picnic lunch, drove into town and walked down to the ferry terminal to catch a ferry over to Devonport. Nicky enjoyed looking in the shops on Queen Street, and the ferry trip enabled us to use the last of the free tickets which Gill had given us last year. We had a leisurely walk from the Devonport port ferry terminal up the main street, calling in many retail establishments for a browse, as we made our way to Mt Victoria. The walk up the volcano was quite step in parts so we took it gently, especially as Nicky still wasn’t feeling 100%, but the fresh air and sunshine seemed to be helping her recovery. The views were great, and we sat on a bench overlooking Narrow Neck to eat what was left of our picnic  (we had started it on the ferry). After making the summit of the volcano and then finding our way down, we dropped in on Letty who fortunately was home and supplied us with cups of tea. She and her painter friend Joan Taylor dropped us back at the ferry port. I really like using the ferry to Devonport, its a real novelty. On the way back up Queen Street I bough some “knocked down end of day” danish pastries - two custard filled salmon croissants, and a pain du raisin. They were fantastic, especially the croissants. The evening was occupied with watching part 1 of “Death comes to Pemberley”, and we have enjoyed watching the concluding part tonight.

Today has been much duller and cooler. Nicky went off to church and I went off to Karekare but it was too cold for a swim, so I just had a walk and a paddle. This afternoon Nicky went over to play Scrabble with Stella, and then have a New Lynn staff get together at Black Salt, which was good. I spent the afternoon making 24 mini quiches (12 bacon and cheese, 12 mushroom) and a giant sausage and apple roll. This evening Nicky has made ginger nut pudding. This is all for the family gathering which we are hosting tomorrow, Labour Day - our first public holiday of the season.

So now to bed!

Take care, Rick


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