Spring has its growing pains

It is often said that the weather in Auckland can deliver four seasons in one day. Crowded House even wrote a song with that title. It hasn’t been quite that variable this week, but we have almost had four seasons in one week. We started with cold wintery wind with torrential showers, and have finished with some unexpected but welcome long spells of warm sunshine.

Nicky came home mid-afternoon on Monday as she was owed some time off in lieu, which was good, and after dinner went to her prison prayer group meeting. She had her hair cut and dried after work on Tuesday.

On Thursday we went to court in Henderson to appear at a hearing for our insurance company. They are still trying to get the money for the repair to Lilly from last year when a young lad reversed into her. It was quite an interesting experience, with neither the lad or a representative from his insurance company turning up. So, it was juste Nicky and I, the representative from our insurers and the referee. The referee found in favour of our insurance company. Nicky had taken the whole afternoon off with not knowing how long the hearing would take, but it was over quite quickly so we went up to the North Shore hospital to visit a colleague who Nicky worked with in New Lynn. We discovered that she had been discharged so Nicky took the flowers she had bought to her home.

Nicky was back in Henderson again on Friday morning for a leaving do for another member of staff who worked with the courier service for the Waitakere Libraries.

I have had little Mac work on this week, so it has mainly been domestic routine. I have however now bought a scanner and started scanning the transparencies which I brought back from the UK last year. They cover our family life from 1966 to the early 1980’s.

The annual Auckland Heritage Festival started this weekend, something we now look forward to each year. This time many of the events relate to the centenary of WW1. We packed up a picnic lunch after breakfast yesterday morning and headed down to Jellicoe Street. We walked along the waterfront but missed the parade to Shed 10 (I think it was only a small parade), but caught some of the speeches. The opening exhibition in Shed 10 wash’t very big this year, so we went back to the car and drove over to Howick for a walk and talk on Howick’s coastal geology. We had lunch in Luna due to the chilly wind but enjoyed our view of the sea. The 2 hour walk along the beach was enjoyable and quite interesting. We finished up in Mellons Bay so walked back to the car along the road and enjoyed the different perspective on the views. Paul and Jenny were not at home but Naomi and Doug supplied us with mugs of tea, and it was good to see them and the boys and catch up for a few minutes.

We lost an hour during the night (very careless) and started with daylight saving. No more long winter evenings for awhile. Hey ho.

We have had a quiet day today. I did the ironing while Nicky was at church, then I gave her a massage before we had lunch. Steve collected her and they went over to Stella’s for Scrabble, then Nicky cut the lawn when she got back as the weather had stayed dry. We had our usual Sunday tellybox session in the evening.

Take care, Rick


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