Turn, turn, turn...not

One way and another, it has been a busy, but relatively routine, week.

Nicky has had a busy week at the library, and has been out three evenings too: prison prayer group, house group, and prayer evening up at church. By Friday she was very pleased to come home, put her feet up knowing she didn’t have to go out again, and relax.

I have had a busy week with work, having at least one Mac job each day. On Tuesday evening I did a taste testing session of apple, peas and peanuts, which also added a few dollars to the coffers. I have also been helping Dawn sort out her virus checker after her PC being upgraded.

The weather has been getting in the way of the laundry, as it has been “changeable”. Yesterday, the washing machine decided it didn’t want to spin anymore, so Dawn kindly let me put a load of wet washing through her machine to spin.

We have also been following the World Cup as the group stage has come to and end and the first set of eliminations has been completed.

On Tuesday a borrower (Barbara) who Nicky got to know at the New Lynn book chat came round for diner, so I made extra-nice lasagne and apple crumble. She was still here when I got back from the taste testing so we were able to have a bit more of a chat, which was good.

The showers didn’t abate yesterday, even though the weather forecast suggested they would. Nicky went off to Henderson first thing for a Matariki exhibition at the library which was very good. After lunch we went over to Mt Eden for a “celebration of life” for Jean, Ros’s mother. This was a new experience for both of us and I found it quite interesting. Ros and Alastair (Jean’s children) and Martin and Selina (Jean’s grandchildren) all talked about her life and her life with them. Margaret (Alastairs wife) and a number of other people also spoke. Afterwards we had excellent nibbles with tea and coffee. When we got back, Nicky went delivering cards while I finished reading The Silkworm (Robert Galbraith), which I have enjoyed.

Our Saturday evening entertainment was provided by a Johnathan Creek special on the tellybox, which while enjoyable I didn’t think it was as good as previous ones.

Today has been almost much as usual. Nicky and a good long chat with Valda after church, and I did the ironing before going down to Olympic Park to plant a tree in memory of a friend of a friend.

Take care,



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